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Exercises with DOP and IOP

Examples with both Direct (DOP) and Indirect (IOP) Object pronouns



  • When both pronouns are used, the IOP is placed first than the DOP.
  • When the indirect object pronoun “le” is followed by another pronoun starting with “l” (like “lo,” “la,” “los,” or “las”), it is replaced by “se” to avoid cacophony.


1. Yo doy el libro a María = Yo se lo doy. (I give the book to María = I give it to her.)

2. Ellos explican la lección a nosotros = Ellos nos la explican. (They explain the lesson to us = They explain it to us.)

3. Tú compras un regalo para mí= Tú me lo compras. (You buy me a gift = You buy it for me.)

4. Ella muestra la foto a su amiga = Ella se la muestra. (She shows the photo to her female friend = She shows it to her.)

5. Nosotros damos las respuestas a las profesoras= Nosotros se las damos. (We give the answers to the female teachers = We give them to them.)

6. Mi hermana da unos consejos a su amigo = Mi hermana se los da. (My sister gives some pieces of advice to her friend = My sister gives them to him.)

7. Ellos explican el problema a la profesora = Ellos se lo explican. (They explain the problem to the teacher = They explain it to her.)

8. Nosotros entregamos el paquete a ti = Nosotros te lo entregamos. (We deliver the package to you = We deliver it to you.)

9. Mi madre compra una camisa a mi padre = Mi madre se la compra. (My mother buys a shirt for my father = My mother buys it for him.)

10. Tú das las instrucciones a Juan = Tú se las das. (You give the instructions to Juan = You give them to him.)


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